The Holidays are upon us. Come and celebrate the installation of our 2025 offices, great food, holiday grab bag and fun fellowship at the Van Lenten’s house on Saturday, December 7th, 2:00 p.m. Details in the December/January newsletter.
Email: for the event’s address. Become a member and you will receive a timely newsletter and the details about our picnic.
Bring your questions: American Rose Society Consulting Rosarians will be available to help you.
We are a non-profit, educational, organization and our mission it to help you grow great roses.
We are caretakers of the Shaw Municipal Rose Garden at 300 East Camperdown Way (right off of Church St ramp on the way to Augusta Rd). Please come and visit, peak bloom is around Mother’s Day. It is a delightful rose garden, take some time to smell the roses, there are benches available where you can sit and relax.
Need information on growing roses? We publish a newsletter 10 times a year. It will give you relevant, up to date information on what you need to be doing now with your roses. Membership is $20 per year. Contact us for a membership application.
Got rose problems? Show us photos of your leaves, blooms or rose canes. For more information email: